123 Poripori Farm Trust

Trustee & Management Profiles

Today, Poripori Trust has three trustees, Whetu-Marama Rolleston (Chairperson), Christopher Stokes, Taane Tangitu, Parewhati Taikato and Marc Rolleston. The backgrounds, skills knowledge and experience of the Trustees are associated with self employment, orchard, forestry contractors, administration and farming.

In December 2012 Will Gardiner, Pua Taikato and Neil Te Kani resigned as Trustees.  John Gooch of Cooney Lees Morgan was appointed as an interim independent trustee by Maori Land Court until new trustees could be nominated at the Annual General Meeting of shareholders in February 2013.

Willie Tukaki resigned as Trustee in 2011 and was replaced by Neil Te Kani at the AGM on 17 February 2012.  Neil Te Kani was previously involved with Poripori Farm acting as an advisory trustee.

After many years of dedicated service, Moira Rolleston resigned in April 2008.

Mahaki Ellis, the longest serving Trustee was appointed in the late eighties and resigned from the Trust at the 2010 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. Moira Rolleston and Bill Gardiner were appointed in the early nineties. Pua Taikato was elected in 2001, and Willie Tukaki in 2004. 

The Chairperson is Whetu-Marama Rolleston and the secretarial and administration support is provided by Te Awanui Huka Pak Ltd.

Poripori Trust’s Farm Manager is Kevin O'Shea.  Kevin has recently taken over from Lance Brough.

Legal advice to the Poripori Trust is provided by Cooney Lees Morgan and the financial support is provided by  Finlay Dykzeul Chartered Accountants.


Old Board of Trustees:

(Back ) Mahaki Ellis, Willie Tukaki, Will Gardiner.  (Front) Moira Rolleston, Pua Taikato.

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